Grouse and Ptarmigan

Willow Ptarmigan

(Lagopus lagopus) Habitat Like the other ptarmigan species, the willow ptarmigan nests in sparsely timbered or treeless areas. It favors willow-lined waterways, either on the coastal plains of western and northern Alaska or in subalpine areas throughout the rest of the state. Tall bushes are an important feature for willow ptarmigan. These birds choose wetter... Continue Reading →

White-tailed Ptarmigan

(Lagopus leucurus) Habitat White-tailed ptarmigan are true birds of the mountains. They live above timberline almost all year in the young mountain ranges of southcentral and southeastern Alaska, and many whitetails stay on the high slopes even in winter. In the breeding season they live in rugged country full of boulder fields, snowfields, glaciers, cliffs,... Continue Reading →

Rock Ptarmigan

(Lagopus muta) Habitat Rock ptarmigan breed on hilly or mountainous tundra throughout Alaska. They prefer slopes and high valleys where shin-high shrubs form a patchy pattern with low herbs and grasses. The summer range of rock ptarmigan often abuts willow ptarmigan range, with rock ptarmigan breeding on higher, drier, rockier ground. In winter most male... Continue Reading →

Sooty Grouse

(Dendragapus fuliginosus) Habitat The wet, evergreen forests of Southeast Alaska from Haines to Ketchikan are the home of Alaska’s biggest grouse, the sooty grouse or "hooter." Practically every island and cape has a population of these fine birds, although, oddly enough, there are no authentic records from Prince of Wales Island. Big timber is important... Continue Reading →

Spruce Grouse

(Falcipennis canadensis) Habitat Spruce grouse, popularly known as “spruce hens or chickens” or “fool hens,” inhabit white spruce and paper birch woodlands, black spruce bogs, and, in Southeast Alaska, Sitka spruce and hemlock forests. Identification Male spruce grouse. The male spruce grouse has a black throat and red comb over the eye and a rusty-orange... Continue Reading →

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